Sunday, November 10, 2013

Halloween 2013!

This Halloween was pretty awesome as far as costumes go. I wasn't able to join in because of a minor surgery that day, but a neighbor friend volunteered to take over for the holiday while I stayed home to recover. Here are some great pictures of the "Stitched-up Doll" and the "DJ".

DJ Scratchin'

The secret record candy drop spot.

Stitched-up Doll

The second sound from our trip to Hawai'i! Na'alehu Bamboo Farm.

Here's the second sound we recorded on our trip to Hawaii. It was taken in the early morning hours, before the kids woke up on my dad and step-mom's bamboo farm.’alehu%20Bamboo%20Farm%20–%20Hawaii,%20USA


Tuesday, September 24, 2013

A sound from our trip to Hawaii! Punalu'u black sand beach.

We took some audio samples while on our trip to Hawaii recently and one of our "sounds" ended up on the Touch of Sound website. The sound is of the beautiful Punalu'u beach park. A relaxing blend of birds, trees and water.


Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Back to School!

We didn't have much recovery time after our big adventure before starting a new one. The new school year! Both kids seem to have recovered well from the jet-lag, but I am still waking up in a panic every couple hours, not sure where I am or when my flight is taking off to and not sure if I've missed it. It's awful! 

Kyra has jumped into 8th grade very well. She's on top of things, well organized, and finally willing to do homework right after school rather than putting it off. And the big difference here is that I don't have to ask her to do it! Christian had his first day today and it went well. He recognized old friends and feels like this year will be a better one than last year. My classes are tough, but I understand the coursework. It's just a matter of finding time between kids, work, and my bed calling my name all hours of the day.

Here are the kiddos on their first day!

Thursday, August 29, 2013

More of Maui and the end of this adventure...

Our time on Maui was limited to 3 days, unfortunately. There were many people we hoped to connect with and, sadly, there just wasn't enough time between the beach and showing my kiddos around my old stomping grounds. I was excited to see those I got to, though, and hope to return more often now that I know I can do it!

We made a lot of memories, had a lot of fun, had a couple mental breakdown moments, and took lots of pictures. I will say that I won't be doing a two week trip with both kids on my own again. It was fun, but rarely relaxing for me. I knew this was going to be the case but did it anyway. I wanted them to have this trip regardless of how it would go for me. Now they can understand where I come from. I hope we get to do more traveling only week-long increments though unless we have an extra adult or two along. :)

Here are some pictures of our last days on Maui. We have jumped right back into the swing of things with work, Kyra and myself back in school and Christian starting school next week. (click one to see all)

Lavender Farm in Kula

Lavender Farm...same hill my dad used to hang-glide down.

Ran into an old friend! Terry R., our old landlord/neighbor!
The dirt hill in Lahaina, minus the hill.

Starting to have a freckle overload.

Loving the beaches

A famous pose for my kids.

Horizontal shot of the same beach above.

Pina Colada time!

Baby beach in Lahaina...where did all the fish go?!

Dinner with some high school pals and their kids.

Long-time friends! Can you find the photo-bomber?

Mountain apples!

Lots of mountain apples!

Checking out the beauty of Maui

I love tropical plants!

Morning glory

Drying our towels the old fashioned way.

Found some ginger flowers!

Lavender Farm in Kula

Charlie's in Paia

Loco Moco!

Makawao town

More beach time!

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Vacation confessional from a 10 yr old sweetie pie

The first night of our trip to Kona, my son took the camera into the bedroom and made a little video. Initially he was interrupted by his Grandma, but he quickly jumped back on board with his vacation confession. Gets you right there in the heart area. :)
You can watch it on Youtube also, fi you can't load this one:

Some vacation humor...

Statue posing

Statue posing

Statue posing

He likes this face.

Camera snatching

I wonder how this happened?

It's contagious!

Hang ten

Taking off!

Taking off!


Buddha photo bomb.


Pancake larger than your head!

Monday, August 26, 2013

Maui on our minds

It has been a long trip with these two kiddos and the end of the line is on a bust-shaped island called Maui where I grew up. I'm kicking myself for only leaving us 3 days here, but that's how it all played out and we're trying to make the best of it. There are so many people I want to see and so much I want to show them, but the reality of traveling for an extended period of time with a 10 and 13 year old is setting in. They are tired and miss the structure of being home. I could stay another month.

We arrived on Friday and headed straight for Maui Mall to sample some Guri-Guri. Kyra loved it, Christian could do without it. I feel like I've failed as a parent with him at this point. So sad! But I got to eat his, so I guess it's all good. Such a Minnesota boy. Yikes!

We drove to Haiku to meet our host for our time here. Facebook is such a blessing sometimes! After sending out a note on FB asking Maui friends if they knew of anywhere affordable to stay, I got an email from a high school classmate whose mom is prepping a cottage to become a vacation rental and offered it to us to use. This allows us to have a place to stay before her vacation rental business starts. Winning!

After a wonderful meet and greet, we packed up and headed to Sugar beach in Ma'alaea. It felt as if we were in a postcard. Sugar beach was absolutely empty. It was just us, the white sand, and the blue water. Perfect. Then Kyra got stung by a jellyfish. At least we think that's what it was. From my experience, it seemed to be the case. Although there were no jellyfish in sight, so who knows. She was freaking out so we ensued with the protocol that I remembered from my childhood. We had her brother pee in a bottle and  put it on her burn. I can't begin to describe in words the hilarity of this situation. She was so freaked out about the sting, but at the same time so grossed out at the idea of her brother's pee on her skin. I couldn't contain myself even though I tried. She was half whimpering, half laughing. It was great. I still chuckle about it now and then. we rinsed her off with fresh water and got back into the car to head to a store to buy something better to help. She promptly got my phone out to google the proper remedy because she thought I was nuts for even suggesting urine. And the first thing she finds is that peeing on the sting won't help. Doh!! Oh well. I had to scar her teenage years, it's my job as a parent. We found some vinegar to put on it and then called my mom for more help. The remedy that worked was putting some chap-stick on it to keep the air from hitting it. All better, moving on! We haven't heard of it since.

From there we went to Big Beach. I'm not sure why I did this...from what I can remember, this beach was very dangerous for it's large waves, strong current, and shark attacks. It was getting later in the day and I just wanted to show them the waves from the shore. Well we got there, the sun was out, the water was clear and the waves were actually smaller than usual, but still big enough to blow the kids away in awe. I wasn't even going to go in. I was going to let them stand on the shore and put their feet in. Then they begged and begged. Well I couldn't let them go in there alone. So we went in for a couple waves, and it was so much fun! I was a nervous wreck initially because the current is still very strong and the waves very powerful if you get caught up in the break. So I gave them a quick lesson in ocean swimming safety and how to still have fun. We ended up catching and dodging waves until after the sun had set. Along with a group of other people (both tourists and locals) who were having a blast and staying in a group for the obvious fear of sharks. I had to drag them out, yet again, from the ocean and we headed back up the mountain to pickup supplies for our cottage retreat.

We have run into a few people from my past along the way, which has been a treat. I was able to meet up with an old high school friend with his kids at a park where the kids quickly became friends and had fun playing while my friend and I caught up. We will have dinner tonight with a few of my close high school girlfriends and their families and I'm hoping to make a few more connections before we take off tomorrow! (click on one picture to see all)

Leaving the Big Island. Lava flow contrast on the land.

Maui from the air (Kihei)


The cottage (side 1)

The cottage (side 2)

Ho'okipa Beach Panoramic

Sugar Beach

Sugar Beach

Big Beach
The cottage
The cottage
The cottage
Our rental car
Good morning Maui!
Komoda Bakery!
Keokea Park with our new friends!
Keoka Park